reede, 31. märts 2006


Ma paremat pilti ei leidnud.
See on lihtsalt illustreerimaks pealkirja.
Mul on kõik Nny koomiksid plaadi peal:).
(Suured tänud Loomolendile!=D
Ma unustasin vist teda korralikult tänada... Aga tähh igatahes=P)

Otsustasin, et magama pole mõtet minna.
Sina, kes sa seda loed hommikul vara, helista mulle või ütle mulle MSNis, et sa saad mulle kohvi anda!
Ma pean veel kooli minema ju=S.

Why bother to let out the monsters inside your head? To show them to everyone, to let them see you're mad, mad to all that is normal around you? Let them stay inside your comfortable and cosy little darkness, which is your mind. Yes. That's what I'd do. But I don't have monsters inside my head. I only have a cockroach named Albert who was climbing on the fridge a while ago. And I have a wish to sleep, because it's a bit late. Not that I'm tired. No. Not now. But I know how it will feel during the day, when I walk around without understanding wtf is going on. And I don't know why I'm writing in English now. The beginning just sounded nicer like that. But I'm too lazy to change the language in the middle of writing. Yeah. Like... um... Uhuh. I get Jhonen's idea about night and sleep. Though I can't remeber exactly what he said about it. I'm just in this interesting phase, where my body wants to sleep and my minds is awake. Sorta. So I don't quite get everything. I want coffee. But I'll settle with tea.

Actually I wanted to say something.
And I think it was something else than saying that writing about what's on my mind isn't working in a positive way. It only made me more miserable for a while. I mean, it is like facing your monsters. You know they're there. You're not always happy about it, but it's just something that is. And then you see them one day, face-to-face. And they look... monsterous. And you have to think about them. And know they're there, looking... monsterous. And you can't hide them that easily any more. Nah, it's not that bad, just I prefer not to think about bad things if it doesn't change anything.

I don't know why I wanted to write.
Uuh, I wanted tea!=)

I wanted to finish this post with a picture of some Monstrous thing, but I didn't find any proper monstrous pictures at first sight and I didn't bother to look further, so you'll just have to imagine it yourselves.

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