neljapäev, 16. juuni 2011

Endless night of moon eclipse

It's so sweet to write a blog, because it's nice how blogger pretends to believe that people still care about blogs and blogging.

Though actually it wouldn't be very unlikely to see people come back to it for the nostalgic value. Yes. Nostalgic. Because it's that old.

Sad thing is that while it's simple to call something "so 90's" it's really hard to call something "so 00's". I don't even know how to say that! Zero's? Two thousand's? Oh-oh's? ...Um, yeah, I don't really know. I wish I could, because I feel like saying that all the time, because it seems that world has forgotten that we don't live in them any more. And yes, I knonw it's been less than one year since 00's. But one mustn't forget that it's been more than 10 years since the beginning of 2000. Remember 9/11? Children who go to primary school weren't even born then. And all movies we clearly remember seeing in cinemas (or downloaded them while they were being shown on cinemas)... The whole generation is growing up thinking them as old and mostly not remembering any of them. I'm a bit lost here. Because of sleep. Which I will have now.

Night is old and black as dawn on liquid sky. Blah.

pühapäev, 29. mai 2011

Source Code

It would seem that spending too much time watching reviews on does not help to enjoy a movie. To be more specific, I watched Source Code and prepared for quite a good movie. IMDb reviews were mostly around 9 points. As I later discovered with surprise.

I only chose to download it because someone on the Internets said that it's one of the most underrated films of the year. While this might be true, it's actually not saying much.

I'm not usually one to give an open opinion about the movies but I feel like getting it out of my system as I just have to disagree with IMDb comments somewhere.

*Spoilers obviously.*

Source Code starts with pointlessly long footage of a train and Chicago. I'm not impressed. We see a guy waking up on a train with no memory of how he got there and not recognizing his face and the name a woman sitting next to him calls him. Last thing he remembers is being a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan. Continues 8 minutes of absolutely pointless confusion, a lot of which is spent talking with a lady who I presumed to be his wife. Which she wasn't. Which painfully obviously meant that he is going to fall in love with her. Because it seems fitting... as they spend like an hour together on a train (as in on a same train. Most of the time not talking to each other.)... Or much longer, it's not that clear.

Then the train explodes. The pilot, named Colter, wakes up in a capsule sort of a thing and it turns out that he is taking part in a secret, I'm sorry, TOP secret military operation which magically, I mean, quantum mechanically lets people relive last 8 minutes of someone's life. Yeah... because SCIENCE! Colter must find a person who planted the bomb on the train to help stop another attack on Chicago downtown which will involve a dirty bomb.

He is sent back some more times and spends time ignoring direct orders to try to find the guy who is behind the bombing and being generally incompetent. After every 8 minutes he gets back to the capsule and talks to the military lady on the screen, called Goodwin (subtle...). There's also Dr Rutledge who doesn't have a first name and who sounds first of all like a guy doing voiceover to some movie trailer and second of all, evil. He also has a evil crutch and an evil beard.

Anyway, Colter finds the bomb quite quickly, finally disarms it though there's still the backup. He also manages to save Christina the love interest. She has a nice smile. That's about the only thing I remember about her. Most characters on the train seem barely anything more than caricatures but I can forgive this as technically we have only 8 minutes to get to know them.

Colter is told that it doesn't matter whether he saves anyone as it doesn't affect the present and those people are already dead. Also, painfully often he's told that every second counts because there's still that guy with a dirty bomb out there in the present time. He doesn't seem to care about that and spends precious time trying to convince the scientist that he knows that saving people will work in real time. Because he knows. (Gee, I wonder who's right? The evil scientist with an evil limp or the nice military guy who spends time falling in love with a person who is already dead, instead of saving millions of innocents?)

Also he realizes that he's dead. What a shock. Noooo. I absolutely didn't expect this from ten minutes in.

He FINALLY gets the guy behind the attack. Evil guy with no reliable motive reveals his dirty bomb and shoots Colter and his love interest. We might care more if we didn't knew that their deaths are meaningless as they already died in the train a while ago.

Colter tells military guys the name and license plate of the evil guy and asks to be put to death as agreed with Dr Limp after a final trip back in time so he could play a hero and save everyone on the train. Good enough.

Swat team takes down the evil guy's van (On live television for that matter. Huh. They really were hoping that the terrorist guy doesn't listen to a radio station with news about swat team chasing him.) and to my big surprise they arrest him and nothing goes wrong. Everybody lives. Yay!

Turns out that Dr Evil Voice only cares about his work and how the success will give him more money or something. Because time travel apparently wasn't good enough for the higher-ups without a captive terrorist. So he suggests that they will not give Colter his last wish and just wipe his memory and re-use him to have a chance to save millions of more lives. At that point I actually see his point. This technology is more than groundbreaking. He could save lives. And with memory erased he wouldn't have to feel that betrayed. (Also, he's been in the facility for either two months or a week, it's not clear and it sounds rather likely they've already used him for some experiments.)

Oh well. Goodwin is a nice and caring person and sends Colter back for the last time and goes to kill his body. Colter disarms the bomb and after calling to say good bye to his father (yeah, there was a useless subplot about him), pays to a bad stand-up comedian and on the last minute kisses miss Love Interest.

At the same time in real life Goodwin goes to terminate Colter's vital signs. Which, turns out, means actually killing him. I mean, I thought he was dead! DEAD dead, not Hooked-to-a-life-support-machine dead. And it's actually not even a life support system, he just has a few wires attached to his torso! He's breathing on his own, his heart is beating on it's own he is even moving a bit! How the hell could you describe that as 'dead' to him? There is an actual difference between turning off a ghost and killing a person. Murder sort of a difference, lawfully speaking.

Well, granted, he only has a scarred and burned torso left of him but he is alive. Which is no short of a medical miracle! If Dr Rutledger is capable of keeping someone who is missing half their body alive with only few wires attached to them he should work for public, not the military. He could save millions of lives, win countless of Nobles and be a hero to the whole of humankind. Oh well. I guess he's really not into that sort of things.

Goodwin kills Colter. I can understand why it was a good and decent thing to do but I can't stop wondering what happened after that. She was a military officer working in a top secret compound who refused to follow orders and killed a guy. Somehow, lot of jailtime and problems come to mind when thinking of her future. Way to go, kind-hearted woman, you blew your future for a guy you didn't know.

Also, the life goes on for Colter. He's in an alternate quantum reality, that's why.

We're shown how Goodwin gets a text explaining that Colter stopped a terrorist attack and how his theory of alternate pasts is actually true, which doesn't make much sense, but whatever, I shall not dwell on this.

I also can't help but wonder how Colter's life is going to go in a body of some random guy. He knows nothing about him. He doesn't even know where his new home is. He doesn't know the relatives, the friends, coworkers, how to be a history teacher, where his workplace is, nothing. This is going to become an issue within hours after walking away from the train. The woman who likes Colter actually likes some guy who she shares a past and memories and quite a lot of life with. Oh well, I guess he can just say that he hit his head, had selective amnesia which also taught him how to fly a helicopter. It could work.

Well that's basically what this movie was. I haven't slept properly so excuse all my mistakes.

All in all it was actually a decent movie. The main problem with it was the fact that the suspense didn't work because we knew that if Colter fucks up he can just go back and do everything all over again. Of course there was the fact that he had to do succeed in the past before the new attack happens in the present time but it was crystal clear that he'll get his information before it's too late. I mean, he was a main character. Another thing was that there just wasn't enough characters to care about. Colter , Christina was boring, Goowin needed more personality, Dr Rutledger was funny and no other character was really established.

That said, acting was decent and Christina was the most likeable character and I could buy her crush for the guy Colter's mind invaded. Pace wasn't bad and story wasn't that bad. It could've done with some twists though. I like twists. Him being dead does not count as a twist. I could see it two and a half minutes in. And two minutes of it consisted of a footage of a train. And the fact that the world where Colter saved the train turned out to exist does not count either for the obvious reason of obviousness.

The main problem for me was the fact that it was a letdown from what I'd been hoping for and it is not actually the fault of the film.

If you take it up as a quick entertainment with lots of footage of a train being blown up and with about six gunshots you'll be up for something better than you expect.

I wouldn't pay for it but if there's an hour and a half gap in your day you probably wont regret seeing Source Code.

There you go. My opinion. Next time I want to see a movie, I wont do it straight after spending time watching critical reviews about bad films.

teisipäev, 5. aprill 2011


Ma olen maal.

Ma teen larpi.

Ma lähen Allyga välismaale.

Homme ma lähen Tartusse tagasi.

Siis ma käin Tallinnas.

Paar larpi tuleb ka. Üks on airsoft ja puha.

Ma nägin täna kahte kurge, kui ma Tallinna poole sõitsin.

Kevad tuleb.

Ma võtsin oma mantli seljast, kui ma õues olin ja mul oli soe.

Ma panen siia video, sest see on popp ja noortepärane. Ja kevad tuleb.

esmaspäev, 3. jaanuar 2011


Uuel aastal uue hooga.

Väidetavalt peaks isa maal meie wifi-interneti-teenuse ära lõpetama. Selle hea külg on see, et ehk poleks siis ruuterit enam tarvis ja ma saaksin Tartus läpakaga netis käia. Selle hea külg on see, et seda ma saan teha pikaliasendis, mis on mu seljale võrreldamatult palju kasulikum kui lauaarvuti taga häirivalt ebamugavas toolis olesklemine.

Ma võiks teha mingi kokkuvõtte möödunud aastast, aga mul pole vähimatki tahtmist.

On läinud pareminigi. On läinud hullemini.

Ja kurta mulle ei meeldi. Milleks?

Depressioon on ikka veel, aga see pole väga suur probleem. Võrreldes vahepealse ajaga on kõik ülihästi. Põhiline probleem on magamises, mis ei tule vahepeal üldse välja ja siis ma ei ärka üldse üles ja siis ma pean last valvama, mis rikub ära kõik üritused magamist vähegi mõistlikuks muuta. Aga see ei häiri mind väga, sest ma ei ole eriti väsinud, isegi siis kui ma üritan tundide kaupa magama jääda ja ärkan siis kui väljas pole veel päris valge. Kui mul on võimalus (nt ma ei pea minema mingile häirivalt kasutule reisile rongi või bussiga kuskile teise Eestimaa otsa umbes üheks päevaks, et siis taas samamoodi tagasi minna), siis ma üritan lihtsalt edasi magada ning see tuleb vahelduva eduga hästi välja.

Aastavahetusel sai alkoholi tarbitud. See poleks niiväga oluline, aga mu arstile see ilmselt väga ei meeldi. Ta ütles, et see ei tule depressioonile kasuks. Aga üks õhtu pole eriline probleem, pealegi oli see suurelt jaolt üpris lõbus.

Yeah, ma luban pidevalt rohkem blogida, aga ei tee seda. Lugejad lugejateks, aga mind ennast häirib vahepeal see, et ma midagi ei kirjuta. Asi on võibolla ikkagi selles, et ma tunnen puudust privaatsusest, sest ma ei saa enda toas internetti. Sellised lood. Aga kui ma peaksin wifi saama, siis seda vabandust mul enam ei oleks ning ma saaksin näha, kas asi ikka oli selles või mitte. Kui põnev.

Ma tunnen puudust sellest, et mul ei ole midagi käsil. Mitte ühtegi larpi ega midagi. Mul on üks asi, mida võiks arendada ja aeg-ajalt on mul ideid, mis seda täiendavad, aga mul puudub motivatsioon midagi konkreetsemat teha. (See on sümptom, hahaa.)

Üldiselt on elu suhteliselt funky. Kadrina-Tallinna tripp oli vahva. Mu seljakott jäi Zelori poole pärast drägoni mängimist. Tallinlased on toredad, neid võiks tihemini näha, aga Tallinn on nii kaugel (eriti talvel).

Pärast aastavahetuse pidu kodu poole jalutades helistasin uudishimust ka oma pangakontole (haa, seebi kliendid ei saa seda teha). Sain ootamatu üllatuse osaliseks kui neiu teatas mulle mu pangakonto numbri eurodes. Seda oli palju enam kui ma oleksin osanud oodata kuigi summa ise oli ääretult väike. Ma pean ennast harjutama sellega, et eurod ei ole naelad. Kõik on nii odav naeltega võrreldes! Küll ma hakkama saan, ma pole idioot. Samas ei saa ma kuu aega üldse raha kulutada, sest ma tahan, et ma saaksin kuu lõpus välismaal käies millegi eest maksta ka. Omg, välismaal käik ilma Riiga sõitmata! Kui kujuteldamatult mugav!

Facebook ütles, et uuelt aastalt on mul oodata romantikat. See on nii lääge. Aga ma ei peaks ehk kurtma:P

Mind häirib see, et ma tahan teha ühte pilti, aga ma ei saa sellega hakkama. Mul on nimelt visioon. Mul on lõuend. Mul on värvid ja pintslid ja idee. Aga ma ei saa seda ideed kuidagi paberile kantud. Ma olen teinud suure hulga kavandeid ja ma ei ole jõudnud isegi mitte visandi tasandil kuhugi soovitu lähedale. See on üpris frustreeriv, sest ma pole kohutavalt kaua tundnud soovi ega inspiratsiooni millegi joonistamise, veel vähem maalimise jaoks.

Aga jah, ma sain jõuludeks molberti. Seda teadsin ma juba tükk aega ette, sest mu õde tegi seda koolitöö jaoks ja ma aitasin tal seda kujundada. See pole küll väga hästi transporditav, ent see-eest päris minu oma ja mugav ja Tartus. Ma panen millalgi mõne pildi selle kohta netti üles. Mm... kindlasti sain ma midagi veel jõuludeks... Um... Ahjaa, lennukipiletid olid jõulukingiks. Ja Rahva Raamatu kinkekaart ka. Ma juba tean, mida ma selle eest tahan, aga ma ootan veebruarini, sest ma pean natuke peale maksma, kuna see on ainult saja kroonine (mitte, et ma kurdaks! Kui mul seda ei oleks, ei ostaks ma sealt midagi. Probleem on lihtsalt selles, et raamatud võiks odavamad olla.).

Mind huvitab, kui kaua google laseb otsida "6 *insert currency abbreviation* to eek" nii, et ta annab kohe automaatse vaste...? See on mugav, kui parasjagu internetis olla ja tahta teada, kui palju on näiteks kroonides  eurosid või naelas kroone. Kuigi ta arvestab seda ainult umbkaudse vahetuskursi alusel. Aga mugav siiski. (0,06 ja 18,44 muideks.)

Hmm. Mul pole üldse und. Ma loodan, et ma saan teisipäeva hommikul magada, sest täna (ehk siis esmaspäeval) pean ma päev otsa last valvama. Ja kui ma ütlen päev otsa, siis pean ma silmas, et teised lähevad kella kaheksaks Tallinna. Jah, hommikul. Ja me elame Tallinnast ~40 km kaugusel ja hommikul tuleb üles tõusta ja riidesse panna ja hambaid pesta ja süüa teha ja süüa ja muid selliseid asju ja ükski normaalne inimene ei tohiks niivõrd varakult ärgata. Ma parem ei mõtle sellele. Võeh. (See on nii äge sõna. Võtke teatavaks.)

Om nom nom.

Sest täna oli tädi sünnipäev ja seal sai süüa. Seal oli sibulapirukas. See ei kõla eriti isuäratavalt, ent oli üllatavalt maitsev. Sibulasupp on ka hea. Ma ei ole seda ammu saanud. Selle sisse läheb valget veini ja meil ei ole kodus tavaliselt valget veini, sest me oleme emaga mõlemad iseseisvalt jõudnud punase veini paremuse tunnustamiseni. (Ma arvan, et mul hakkab uni tulema, sest see lause tundus imelik ja ma üritasin seda paar korda parandada.)

Oota mind, Tartu, ma tulen!

Tõenäoliselt kolmapäeval.

Ma usun, et kolmapäeval, sest kaks päeva kannatan ma ilma internetita ära, aga rohkem ma küll saaks lubada. (Ma mõtlen, et siis kui mul on valikuvõimalus ning ma pole ennast internetivabasse olukorda pannud vabatahtlikult. Mul on veel lootust. Päriselt!)

Head uut aastat.